Education Service Center Board Room, 701 S. Main
Call to Order
Call to Order.
Summary: Call to order (Except for item #1, any agenda item may be considered and acted on in any order).
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes for February 10, 2025.
Summary: Discussion, motion and vote on motion to approve or disapprove the presented Meeting Minutes, which may be approved as presented or approved following modifications.
Attachments: |
Recommendation: Approve the Minutes of the February 10, 2025, Regular Board Meeting.
Summary of Awards & Achievements
Comments From The Public
Comments From The Public
Summary: Members of the public are permitted to address the Board on matters of immediate concern within the jurisdiction of the Board. A written request form must be submitted to the Minute Clerk at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the beginning of the Board meeting. There is a twenty-minute time limit established for the “Citizens’ Comments” section of the agenda, with individual speakers limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes regardless of the number of topics addressed. Individual speakers addressing agenda items will be limited to a total of five (5) minutes, regardless of the number of agenda items addressed. COMMENTS CONCERNING ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA • The “Citizens’ Comments” portion of the agenda will be reserved for comments concerning issues not otherwise appearing on an agenda and is limited to a twenty-minute maximum. • This portion of the agenda is reserved to provide citizens an opportunity to address the Board of Education on issues affecting the District and is not intended to provide a forum for commercial, political or similar topics. • When groups or organizations desire to address the Board under the “Citizens’ Comments” a single spokesperson should be selected to avoid repetitious information. • The Board will not dialogue with speakers about non-agenda items. Doing so is a violation of the Open Meeting Law. After the meeting, the Superintendent or designee will attempt to contact the individuals who speak to the board to provide answers or resolve any issues/concerns in a timely manner, and report to the board how each issue was addressed. • Speakers will be called in the order in which they signed to speak. • Each individual will be allowed to speak for a total time limit of three (3) minutes for non-agenda items, regardless of the number of topics on which the individual requests to speak. COMMENTS CONCERNING AGENDA ITEMS • Individuals requesting to speak on an agenda item will be permitted to do so prior to the item being addressed by the Board. • Speakers will be called in the order in which they signed to speak. • The Board may choose to ask questions or dialogue with a speaker about the agenda item at the conclusion of their remarks. After the meeting, the Superintendent or designee will attempt to contact the individuals who spoke to the board to provide answers or resolve any issues/concerns in a timely manner, and report to the board how each issue was addressed. • A total time limit of five (5) minutes will apply to each speaker for comments pertaining to agenda items. Interaction of the Board with the speaker will not be counted as part of the five-minute total. REQUEST TO SPEAK FORMS • A “Request to Speak” form must be submitted for each topic. • There are two “Request to Speak” forms; one for agenda items and the other for non-agenda items. Both are available on the district website or in the Board room prior to the meeting. • Individuals wishing to comment on either an agenda or non-agenda item during the Board meeting must personally sign and submit the appropriate completed Request to Speak form and provide it to the Minute Clerk at least THIRTY (30) MINUTES prior to the start of the Board meeting in which they are going to speak. • By completing and signing the appropriate form, the speaker is verifying that the instructions have been read and understood. • Speakers are encouraged to provide the Board with a written outline of their comments before the meeting begins and to indicate on the form if they are speaking on their own behalf or on behalf of a group. The speaker should also note on the form whether they support or oppose (as applicable) an item.
Approve General Consent Agenda Items
Business Services
Accept and approve the Encumbrance Reports for All Funds for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. The encumbrance reports are available for review 24 hours in advance of this meeting at the first floor reception desk in the Education Service Center located at 701 S. Main Street, Broken Arrow, OK. E. Sapp
Summary: Attached are the Encumbrance Orders totaling $6,374,633.46 for the General, Building, Child Nutrition, Workers' Compensation, Bond and Gift Funds effective February 6, 2025 through March 6, 2025 from the 2024-2025 fiscal year funds.
Funding: All Funds
Recommendation: Approve
Accept and approve the monthly financial reports through February 28, 2025. N. Eneff
Summary: The monthly financial reports showing the Expenditures year-to-date by Project for all funds; the Expenditures year-to-date by Function and Objects for the General Fund, Building Fund, and the Child Nutrition Fund; the Revenue Summary report; the Monthly Financial Summary and the Cash Flow Analysis year-to-date with the projected fund balance and the comparison of current year versus previous year.
Funding: Not Applicable
Attachments: |
Recommendation: Information Only
Communication Services
Instructional Services
Items Pulled from the Consent Agenda
Business Services
Discussion, motion, and vote on motion, to approve or disapprove the Application for Temporary Appropriations for 2025-2026 fiscal year for the General Fund, Building Fund, Child Nutrition Fund, Gift Fund, Endowment Fund, Workers' Compensation Fund, Arbitrage Fund, and Bond Funds (30-39). N. Eneff
Summary: Applications for Temporary Appropriations must first be approved by the Board of Education before submitting them to the county clerk. The county clerk will present the application to the County Excise Board for approval.
Funding: All Funds
Attachments: |
Recommendation: Approve
Capital Improvements & Development
Discussion, motion, and vote on motion, to approve or disapprove awarding the bid for the Broken Arrow High School Access Control Project to Merak Group in the amount of $79,200.00. All bidding was conducted pursuant to board policy and will be paid for with general funds. J. Butler
Summary: Bids were received and opened at 2:00PM, CST, Monday, February 17, 2025 at the Education Service Center. After reviewing, we will be accepting the bid from Merak Group in the amount of $79,200.00.
Funding: General Funds
Attachments: |
Recommendation: Approve
New Business
New Business Item(s).
Summary: Consideration and possible action of any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of preparation of the agenda for the regularly scheduled meeting.
Recommendation: Approve
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