Review Agenda Item
Call to Order.
Moment of Silence - Statement by Board Vice President, Jerry Denton: "As we begin thi
The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by Sawyer Scout, 5th grade student at Leisure Pa
Approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes for September 9, 2024.
Approval of the Minutes from the September 10, 2024, SPECIAL Meeting Minutes.
Update on the partnership between Broken Arrow Public Schools Child Nutrition Departm
The Oklahoma Council of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM), is a community of the best ma
Recognition of the seven (7) National Merit Semifinalist, Audrey Crisp, Connie Feldma
Recognition of BAHS student, John Roskob, who has exceptional promise demonstrated by
Discussion, motion, and vote on motion, to approve or disapprove the creation of the
Discussion, motion, and vote on motion, to approve or disapprove the title change/pro
Discussion, motion, and vote on motion, to approve or disapprove the title change/pro
Discussion, motion, and vote on motion, to approve or disapprove the title change/pro
Discussion, motion, and vote on motion, to approve or disapprove the title change/pro
Discussion, motion, and vote on motion, to approve or disapprove the offer of employm
Discussion, motion, and vote on motion, to approve or disapprove, the NEW name for th
We would like to propose Monday, May 19, 2025, for the graduation ceremony at Memoria
Jadon Dykes will be presenting the results from the PSO Peak Performance energy reduc
Comments From The Public
Accept and approve the 2025 Board of Education Election Resolution forms for seat zon
Accept and approve the donation of $6,000.00 from Tulsa Bone & Joint to the Athletic
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Scheels
Accept and approve the donation of two True Refrigerators from QuikTrip worth an esti
Accept and approve the attached list of itemized property as received by the operatio
Accept and approve the RENEWAL agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Brok
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Tulsa Co
Accept and approve the attached new employment, employment revisions and employment s
Accept and approve the new employment, employment revisions and employment separation
Accept and approve Barrett Byrd to serve as an upper level math adjunct teacher durin
Accept and approve Jessika Davis to serve as a biological and general science adjunct
Accept and approve Kenneth Herrod to serve as an adjunct Mvskoke Language I teacher d
Accept and approve David Kay to serve as a physical education, psychology, and sociol
Accept and approve the authorization of the Executive Director of Federal Programs an
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Discover
Accept and approve the RENEWAL agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Fami
Accept and approve the RENEWAL agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Food
Accept and approve the RENEWAL agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Imag
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and The Math
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Kagan wh
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Kagan wh
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and CREOKS M
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and BrainPop
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Schools and Delta Math Solu
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Big Kahu
Accept and approve the Student Activity/Overnight Request for the Broken Arrow Varsit
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Schools and Gardner Edgerto
Accept and approve the AMENDMENT between Broken Arrow Public Schools and 5-Star Stude
Accept and approve the RENEWAL agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Call
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Musical
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Concord
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Playscri
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Stage Pa
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Haus of
Accept and approve BAHS/BAFA Show Choir students, a sanctioned organization, to atten
Accept and approve BAHS/BAFA Show Choir students, a sanctioned organization, to atten
Accept and approve BAHS/BAFA Show Choir students, a sanctioned organization, to atten
Accept and approve the NEW MOU agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Blue
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Freezing
Accept and approve the mandated quarterly open transfer capacity calculations by grad
Accept and approve the NEW agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and Academic
Accept and approve the RENEWAL agreement between Broken Arrow Public Schools and SHI
Presentation and discussion of the Activity Fund Reports for September 2024. C. Murph
Presentation and discussion of the Treasurer's Reports for September 2024. C. Murphre
Discussion, motion, and vote on motion, to approve or disapprove the Change Order Rep
Discussion, motion, and vote on motion, to approve or disapprove the Encumbrance Repo
Presentation and discussion of the monthly financial reports through September 30, 20
Discussion, motion, and vote on motion, to approve or disapprove the RENEWAL applicat
Discussion, motion, and vote on motion, to approve or disapprove the RENEWAL of sanct
Discussion, motion, and vote on motion, to approve or disapprove the NEW Broken Arrow
Discussion, motion, and vote on motion, to approve or disapprove the contracts for th
Presentation and first reading of multiple new, revised and/or the deletion of polici
Discussion of a redistricting proposal that would affect the boundaries of the five (
New Business Item(s).
Discussion, motion, and vote on motion, to approve or disapprove moving into executiv
Vote to accept or overturn the decision to deny the transfer of student A. C. Perry
Adjourn the meeting.
Meeting Date:
10/14/2024 - 6:00 PM
Instructional Services
Accept and approve Jessika Davis to serve as a biological and general science adjunct teacher during the 2024-2025 school year. T. Sappington
File Attachment:
Not applicable
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Karla Dyess - Deputy Superintendent
Signed By:
Chuck Perry - Superintendent
Vote Results:
Original Motion
John Cockrell
Moved, Member
Brandy Roulet
seconded to approve the
motion 'Approve'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye:
The motion
4 - 0
Jerry Denton
Steve Allen
John Cockrell
Brandy Roulet
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