Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 10/14/2024 - 6:00 PM
Category: Capital Improvements & Development
Type: Action
Subject: Discussion, motion, and vote on motion, to approve or disapprove the contracts for the Options Academy renovation to the lowest responsible bidder and to assign such construction contracts to Lowry Construction Services, Inc., and to approve or disapprove the amendment to the construction management contract establishing a new guaranteed maximum price )GMP) in the amount of $964,145.00, and to authorize the BAPS Director of Construction Services to approve or disapprove changes to the trade contracts within the GMP. All bidding was conducted pursuant to the Oklahoma Competitive Bidding Act. The cost of this construction will be paid with Lease Revenue bond funds. M. Leitch
Enclosure Lowry Construction Services, Inc., NEW agreement
File Attachment:
Lowry Construction Services, Inc..pdf
Funding: Lease Revenue bond fund
Recommendation: Approve
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Steve Dunn - Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:
Chuck Perry - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Jerry Denton Moved, Member John Cockrell seconded to approve the Original motion 'Approve'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 4 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 4 - 0
Jerry Denton     Yes
Steve Allen     Yes
John Cockrell     Yes
Brandy Roulet     Yes